Canada to end pre-arrival COVID-19 testing for vaccinated travellers on April 1, 2022

Canada to end pre-entry COVID-19 testing for travellers arriving in Canada

LAST UPDATED: March 17, 2022

On March 17, 2022, the Government of Canada announced that it will be ending its pre-arrival COVID testing requirement for fully vaccinated travellers to enter Canada beginning on April 1, 2022.

Here's what we know so far:

  • As of April 1, 2022, at 12:01 AM EDT, fully vaccinated travellers will no longer need to take a pre-entry COVID test to enter Canada
  • This change will apply to travellers entering Canada by airland or water
  • The rules have not changed for travellers who are not fully vaccinated. Travellers who fall into this category will continue to be required to take a pre-arrival molecular or antigen test prior to entering Canada and comply with all quarantine and post-entry testing requirements.
  • All travellers entering Canada will still be required to submit certain travel information through ArriveCAN prior to entering Canada
  • Travellers will still be subject to random on-arrival COVID testing

This is welcome news for snowbirds, many of whom will be returning to Canada in the coming weeks.

Snowbirds who were planning on returning to Canada prior to April 1, 2022, may want to consider delaying their return until the rule changes take effect to avoid the cost, logistical issues and potential problems associated with pre-arrival COVID testing.

For snowbirds who do decide to delay your return to Canada until pre-arrival COVID testing is no longer required, be sure to top-up or extend your travel medical insurance coverage before your original coverage expires.

You can find additional details in the official Government of Canada statement about the easing of pre-entry COVID testing requirements for travellers here.

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