U.S. extends land border closure with Canada until September 21, 2021

U.S. extends land border closure through September 21, 2021

Last Updated: August 20, 2021

On August 20, 2021, the United States announced that it would be extending its land border closure for non-essential travel from Canada and Mexico until at least September 21, 2021.

It is unknown at this time if the land border closure will be lifted at that time or will be extended beyond September 21st.

If the U.S. border closure is extended beyond September 21st, it could have a significant impact on snowbirds who are planning to drive south for the winter this year.

U.S. may implement plan requiring foreign visitors to be vaccinated

On a related note, on August 4th, 2021, the U.S. also stated that it intends to put a plan in place that will require all travellers to the U.S. to be vaccinated.

However, no additional information or updates have been provided since that time, and it is unclear at when or even if this plan will be put in place, and no details have been provided related to which vaccines would be accepted, whether mixed vaccines would be accepted or if there would be any accommodations for Canadian visitors.

Snowbird Advisor monitoring situation closely

Snowbird Advisor is aware of the significant impact both of these issues could have on Snowbird travel this upcoming season and is following both issues closely. We will advise Snowbird Advisor members of any important developments.

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